silver membership
- Online ordering
- My Catalogue: your chosen range of products, unique to your organisation with custom pricing
- Order History: Track orders and PoDs, view/print copy invoices and statements
Gold Membership
- All the benefits of Silver Membership, PLUS
- Access to Order History by Orders, Buyers, Areas and Wearers
- Access to Buyer and Wearer controls: set, update and edit controls for your team
- Ability to restrict products for Buyers Areas and Wearers
- Option to create Wearer Packs (PPE packed per wearer)
- Reporting: create reports on spend by Buyer, Area and Wearer
Platinum Membership
- All the benefits of Gold Membership, PLUS
- Stockroom Control: transfer products from your 'virtual' stockroom to Wearers, Areas or make stock adjustments
- Stockroom Control: obtain signatures and view Transfer History data
- Stock Restrictions: restrict product quantities purchased within a set time frame*
* Currently in development, coming soon.